What to Know about Dymatize ISO 100

What to Know about Dymatize ISO 100

SuppLife LLC
With rising health consciousness, new supplements and diet regimes are always being introduced to the market for fitness enthusiasts, such as the recently popular pre-workout supplement, C4 Skittles. However, it’s easy to get swept up in the wave of health trends without being fully aware of what we’re actually ingesting. So, what does the nutrition label of C4 Skittles have to offer? This article delves into the pros and cons of C4 Skittles nutrition facts, so that you can make a more informed decision when evaluating the product.

What Is C4 Skittles?

C4 Skittles, otherwise known as C4 Sport, is a popular powder pre-workout supplement – but what exactly is in it? The primary ingredients found in C4 Skittles are caffeine, creatine, beta-alanine, and L-arginine – all of which have varied effects on the body depending on the dosage. Caffeine helps you feel more alert, creatine aids in providing a source of energy for your workout, beta-alanine strengthens your exercise performance, and L-arginine helps keep your blood vessels healthy and dilated. It also contains other important electrolytes and minerals, such as Vitamin C, which help maintain proper hydration during a workout.

Pros of C4 Skittles

With each of the four primary ingredients having a noteworthy effect on body performance and health, C4 Skittles provides an ideal way to energize and maintain stamina throughout a workout. Many bodybuilders have seen positive outcomes from this product, with increased alertness for longer periods of time during a workout, improved muscle endurance, better blood flow, and increased muscle growth. Studies have also found that the presence of electrolytes and minerals such as Vitamin C in C4 Skittles aids in rehydrating during exercise, leading to a more effective workout.

Additionally, C4 Skittles’ powder form allows for easier, faster consumption than with other supplements – simply pour a scoop into 16 ounces of water and stir, and you’re good to go!

Cons of C4 Skittles

Though C4 Skittles have plenty of benefits, there are still concerns to consider when evaluating the product. Private studies conducted in labs have detected trace amounts of acrylamide, a potential carcinogen, present in the supplement. Furthermore, the powder supplement contains 160 mg of caffeine per scoop — more than the amount of caffeine found in a single regular-sized cup of coffee. As such, those with caffeine sensitivities should be cautious when incorporating C4 Skittles into their routine.

Moreover, the product is a bit pricier than other generic pre-workout supplements. Since C4 Skittles come in tubs, the packaging simply adds on to the price. The scoop size can also be a bit tricky to measure for accuracy, as some people report that it is too large or too small for their individual needs.


When it comes to nutrition labels and pre-workout supplements, it’s best to be a well-informed consumer. With C4 Skittles, it’s apparent that the pros typically outweigh the cons, but it’s important to know what you’re putting in your body.

In conclusion, C4 Skittles offers an array of benefits to bodybuilders and gym-goers looking to achieve peak performance during a workout. Each scoop of the powder supplement is packed with caffeine, creatine, beta-alanine, L-arginine, and other important electrolytes and vitamins. Though the product is pricier than other supplements and contains trace amounts of acrylamide, it still has the potential to be a useful addition to the fitness enthusiast’s diet.
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